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Esta página no está disponible en español. PR Newswire (U.S.) Hidden Facts In New Census Hispanic Data 13 June 2005 WASHINGTON, June 13 /PRNewswire/ -- There has been much press coverage of the U.S. Census Bureau's news that Hispanics accounted for approximately half of the national population growth between July 1, 2003 and July 1, 2004. There are some lesser known but equally important facts that have yet to be highlighted in the new Census data. For example, did you know ... Almost 4 million Hispanic U.S. citizens are not included in the Census national population estimates. Census estimates of the U.S. resident population "exclude residents of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico." While residents of the District of Columbia are included in national population residents, the 3.8 million Hispanic citizens living in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are not counted. If these Americans were counted in the national population estimates, there would be 45.1 Hispanic residents of the U.S. rather than the 41.3 most recently reported by the Census. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Resident Population Estimates of the United States by Sex, Race, and Hispanic or Latino Origin, (Table NA-EST2002-ASRO) and Population Universe Methodology, U.S. Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, June 9, 2005. The proportion of growth due to immigration is the same for both non- Hispanic whites and Hispanics. The most recent Census data reported that more than half (56%) of the growth of the Hispanic population between July 1, 2003 and July 1, 2004 was due to natural increase (births minus deaths) and 44% to net international migration. This is the exact proportion of the components of population growth for non-Hispanic whites. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Estimates of the Components of Population Change by Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin for the United States: July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004 (Table NC-EST2004-06), June 9, 2005. The population of Hispanics age 65 and older grew by 25%. While the youthfulness of the Hispanic population has received attention, the growth of the older adult Hispanic population has not been widely reported. The new Census data show that while the population of Hispanics under 18 years of age grew by 14% since 2000, the growth has been 25% for Hispanics 65 years and over. This was reflected in an increase in the median age for Hispanics from 25.8 years to 26.9 years. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Estimates of the Population by Age and Sex of Hispanic or Latino Origin for the United States: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 (Table NC-EST2004-04-HISP), June 9, 2005. The National Alliance for Hispanic Health is the nation's oldest and largest network of Hispanic health professionals. The nation's action forum for Hispanic health, Alliance members deliver services to over 12 million persons every year making a daily difference in the lives of Hispanic communities. For more information, visit the Alliance's website ( http://www.hispanichealth.org/ ) or call 1-866-SU-FAMILIA (1-866-783-2645). Web site: http://www.hispanichealth.org/ CONTACT: Adolph Falcon of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health,+1-202-797-4341