Puerto Rico at a Glance

Capitol Building, San Juan, P.R
The island
- Located in the northern Caribbean 1,050 miles of Miami
- Encompassing 3,492 square miles. It is similar in size to Connecticut
- Its 3.8 million population equals Arizona and Kentucky
- The capital city, San Juan, has nearly 500,000 residents
- Metropolitan San Juan boasts a population of over 1.6 million
- Temperatures average 75F in Winter, 81F in Summer
- Local self-governing territory under the US constitution
- Divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches
- General elections are held every four years
- Federal courts and agencies operate in Puerto Rico in the same manner as the 50 states
- Puerto Ricans have been statutory US citizens since 1917
- They have no voting representation in Congress and can't vote for the president
- They receive lower levels of federal benefits but don't pay federal income taxes
- Their future US citizenship and nationality is not guaranteed
- English and Spanish have been official languages since 1902
- English is taught from first through twelfth grade
- 50% of all Puerto Ricans over the age of 5 speak English and Spanish
- 85% of Post -Secondary school students speak English and Spanish
- Federal courts and agencies use English
- Local governmental affairs are conducted in English and Spanish
- English is the language of Commerce
- 100 year tradition of cultural integration with mainland society
- Island has a Latin American and Caribbean historical and cultural heritage stemming from 400 years of Spanish rule
- 99% of the population is Christian, 80% are Catholic
- 86% of the student population is enrolled in public schools
- The balance attend private schools
- One of the world's highest post-secondary enrollments with students attending 29 private and 6 public institutions
- There are also 16 vocational and technological training institutes
Voter Participation
- Over 80% of eligible voters cast ballots in the island's 1996 general elections
- Political party alignment follows status preference
- The Commonwealth party (PPD) and the Statehood Party (PNP) have alternated the governorship since 1968
- The Independence Party (PIP) has never won a gubernatorial election and received about 4% of the vote in 1996
- Pro Statehood PNP Governor Rossello was re-elected with 51.8% of the vote, the first time a governor received a majority since 1968
- Republicans and Democrats are members of all parties
- Manufacturing (41.5%), service (38.2%) and government (10.4%) lead the economy
- The currency is the U.S. dollar
- The gross domestic product was $42.4 B in 1995
- The gross national product was $28.4 B in 1995
- The average family income is $26,266.00 (1999).
- Total exports/imports surpassed $38 B in 1994
- Puerto Rico had a $4.6 B trade surplus that year
- The island is one of the leading world customers for U.S. consumer products and industrial material, $12.1 B worth
- Puerto Rican exports to the U.S. exceeded $21.1 B in 1995
- Puerto Ricans do not need U.S. passports or visas to travel to or live on the mainland
- 2.5M Americans of Puerto Rican descent reside on the U.S. mainland
- There are no customs duties on products shipped to or from the U.S. mainland
- Puerto Ricans have served in the U.S. armed forces since1917
- Over 200,000 have fought in all U.S. wars since WWI
- More than 2,000 have made the supreme sacrifice
- Four were awarded the congressional medal of honor
- Roosevelt Roads Naval Base is a U.S. Defense cornerstone
- Ft. Buchanon is the tactical home of the U.S. Army's Southern Command
- San Juan is one of the world's 20 busiest container ports
- It is also among the world's leading cruise ship ports
- Munoz Marin International Airport is among the top 33 U.S. passenger airports and 21st in cargo handling
Puerto Rico Websites

Puerto Rico by Magaly Rivera.
The Voice of the People: Referendum Results by Manuel Alvarez
Historic Letter from Congress to the Local Legislature on the 1993 Plebiscite process: Response Letter to Resolution 62 - February 29, 1996
![[Puerto Rico 51]](images/pr51.gif)
John Hernández's Puerto Rico Webpage
Agoré Telematica's Puerto Rico Webpage
Puerto Rican Web Pages on Yahoo